
I wish I saw Denise’s EastEnders psychosis storyline before I was sectioned

During a bout of psychosis in 2016, I experienced an intense euphoric high.

To be frank, it made me feel invincible. I had a sense of purpose – unlike anything I had ever felt before – exuding incredible confidence and charisma.

Suddenly, I believed I could solve all the world’s problems. I even called up my mum and told her I found the cure for Alzheimer’s.

Sometimes people think that people experiencing psychosis might be violent or aggressive, but I think it’s important for people to know this is often not a factor. It’s simply when you perceive or interpret reality in a very different way from people around you.

My experience of psychosis was so far away from violence or aggression, and I think it’s important for people to know this.

Another example of how psychosis can manifest is in EastEnders this week, where we see Denise Fox (played by Diane Parish) experiencing hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia.

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I truly hope this storyline opens more conversations about psychosis and mental health – it’s why I helped advise on this important portrayal of psychosis.

My mania and psychosis began during my time at university. After two back-to-back all-nighters for hefty assignments and only eight hours to recover, I woke up overwhelmed by an extremely positive feeling, which is what is known as hypomania.

I experienced this for four days before transitioning into a full manic state.

I was playing my music through a speaker at full volume in public, spoke overly familiarly to strangers and even apologised to my brother for stealing the limelight as kids.

Dan in a white t-shirt, shorts and cap, standing in front of a gate and in the distance is the sea and beach
My experience of psychosis was so far away from violence or aggression (Picture: Dan Miller)

My parents were concerned, so they came to Newcastle where I was studying to try to calm me down. However, after taking me to a doctor, it was decided the best course of action was for me to be sectioned.

Once stable, I returned to my hometown in Gloucestershire to recover. I can’t stress how challenging the recovery period was. The medication made me feel suppressed and unable to truly ‘feel’.

On top of that, I experienced a profound sense of shame due to the episode and all the interactions that came with it.

I felt broken. The stigma associated with mental health – especially psychosis – made me feel isolated, like no one utterly understood me.

I struggled immensely with the question, ‘Why me?’ the healthcare professionals couldn’t give me an answer, supposedly we had no history of mental health issues in the family, and I had never touched recreational drugs.

I became severely low and anxious over the following months, leading to decreased exercise and increased eating, resulting in weight gain that left me unhappy.

Despite this, I followed medical advice, started therapy sessions, and adhered to the prescribed medication. Eventually – and very gradually – I began to feel happy again, and slightly more like my pre-episode self.

It took me two and a half years to regain my full confidence and reach a place of happiness.

Afterwards, I felt a duty to be more open and spread awareness for psychosis, so I reached out to Mind in late 2018 to see if there was anything I could do to help. We have been working together ever since.

Denise holding the bible walking through the woods at night in EastEnders
Denise’s family become increasingly concerned for her safety and wellbeing (Picture: BBC)

Through this relationship, an opportunity arose to advise EastEnders on their upcoming storyline for Denise.

She was set to experience psychosis, so the producers felt it was important to gain real-life insight into how the character might feel or react to make sure it was portrayed as sensitively and as accurately as possible.

So, I spoke at length with Diane Parish (who plays Denise) and the EastEnders team, discussing my story and how psychosis might affect someone.

It is worth noting that the storyline is not in any way inspired by my story – my role was to shine a light on the headspace that psychosis puts you in. I went ‘up’ and experienced immense highs following a stressful time at University.

For Denise – following the Christmas episode at the Queen Vic – Denise experiences increased paranoia and hallucinations of Keanu, which leads to her episode of psychosis. Her family become increasingly concerned for her safety and wellbeing.

A selfie of Dan wearing a green t-shirt, with blonde hair and he is smiling
Diane was a joy to speak to — compassionate, respectful, and very engaged (Picture: Dan Miller)

I must say, the whole EastEnders team was great, and Diane was a joy to speak to — compassionate, respectful, and very engaged.

I hope the episode and the depiction of psychosis helps people understand the condition more and start opening conversations.

Also, people need to see that individuals experiencing psychosis do not necessarily act violently or dangerously.

Unfortunately, I lost my cousin in late 2022 to suicide, and he was described as having paranoid psychotic symptoms in the lead-up to his death.

I believe that his death – along with thousands of others – could have been avoided with more awareness, support, and education about mental health and psychotic disorders.

That’s why I’m sharing my story – and why I hope Denise’s storyline opens conversations around psychosis.



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