1.Coronation Street

BREAKING NEWS: ITV Coronation Street favourite set to exit as scandalous affair is finally exposed

Tracy Barlow (Kate Ford) left Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson) utterly broken in Coronation Street tonight (February 26) when her affair with Tommy Orpington (Matt Milburn) was exposed.

After Tim (Joe Duttine) spotted Tracy in bed with another man, it wasn’t long until he was debating whether to tell his best friend that footballing hero Tommy Orpington and his wife had been ‘practicing their dribbling in the penalty area’.

Tim’s words, before you ask.

Tim decided to reveal all to the beloved character and initially, Steve struggled to believe him.

However, as reality started to hit, Steve returned home ready to confront Tracy – but nothing could’ve prepared him for what she had to say.

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Tracy told Steve that she was bored in their marriage and needed some excitement. She ended up comparing her husband to ‘an old cardigan’, and admitted she doesn’t love him anymore.

Hopeful Steve said they could work through this rough patch, but Tracy didn’t want to fight.

Later, Steve was supported by Tim and Sally (Sally Dynevor), but it then became apparent he wasn’t being enitrely honest about how his chat with Tracy went.

Steve told his best mate that Tracy begged for forgiveness but he ‘kicked her to the kerb’ afterwards, clearly struggling to accept the truth.

Tim speaks to Steve at his home in Corrie
Tim revealed the truth to his best friend (Picture: ITV)

As Steve attempts to process this betrayal, upcoming episodes of the ITV soap could leave Tracy feeling a heartbreak of her own, as Tommy Orpington receives an exciting job offer abroad.

‘Yeah, I think he’s maybe a little bit torn’, actor Matt Milburn said, discussing Tommy’s reaction over whether to leave Weatherfield or see where things go with Tracy.

‘I think in the back of his mind he probably would want to give it a go. But then at the same time, I think there’s the fear that should he drop his guard and maybe ask her [Tracy] if she wants to go, but if she wasn’t on the same page, he won’t want to get burned again. There’s that as well, I think that he’s fighting with.’

Pondering over the future of the character, Matt explained: ‘From a Matt Milburn selfish point of view, I’d love him to sort of stay with Tracy because that would mean I stay for longer from an acting perspective, but I think both would be quite fun because I think if he stayed with Tracy and it was long term.

‘There’s this continuation of the drama and the banter with the subsidiary, you know, the characters that are all linked within it, that have made for it being a long term fun story. But then obviously, conversely if somebody decided to paint the rest of the street, you never know what he might come across? Yeah, I think both would be wonderful.’

After a breakdown in his previous relationship, Tommy wasn’t looking for anything serious when he started seeing Tracy.

‘He’s quite stern in his view that long term relationships aren’t for him anymore’, Matt told us.

‘However, you know, the fact that he’s crossed that bridge, and not only got in a relationship, but taken a wife away from her husband and split up a marriage suggests that he’s pretty serious about her. But then in terms of the longevity of that, who knows, you know, if he’s still got those thoughts in the back of his mind, then it needs to be a real strong bond for him to sort of stay put.

‘But at the same time, I think it’s one of those where sort of, it’s up in the air and we’ll just have to see.’

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