
BBC EastEnders star Kellie Bright confirms Linda Carter’s ‘worst nightmare’ as she spirals out of control

EastEnders legend Kellie Bright has confirmed that Linda Carter is set to face her worst nightmare in upcoming scenes, as she spirals out of control.

Linda has been having a really hard time since stabbing Keanu Taylor to death on Christmas Day, and keeping the secret has proved extremely difficult.

The guilt of her actions has nearly led her to confess on multiple occasions, but thankfully the rest of The Six have helped her keep it a secret.

However, she is set to be tested yet again in upcoming scenes when grieving Bernie Taylor (Clair Norris) announces that Keanu’s funeral is coming up, and asks if she can hold the wake in the Vic.

Before Linda can object, Elaine Peacock (Harriet Thorpe) agrees – much to Linda’s horror.

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‘Elaine agrees before Linda can say anything, and of course for Linda, it is her worst nightmare,’ actress Kellie Bright explained. ‘So she’s worrying about how she’s going to get through the day.

‘I think there is always something in her mind about Christmas – it’s a never ending nightmare. I think she thought that once she had dealt with framing Dean, that was the end of it, but of course it’s always there.

Elaine gives Linda a hug as Johnny watches on in EastEnders
Things get tough for Linda (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)
Sharon checks in on Linda in EastEnders
Can Sharon help Linda? (Picture: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

‘Of course there was always going to be a funeral, I just don’t think she’d thought that far ahead, and I certainly don’t think that she thought the wake would be in The Vic where she lives and where she killed him. It’s about as in the face as you can get!’

With Linda completely overwhelmed, she soon turns to drinking, much to son Johnny Carter’s (Charlie Suff) concern.

In a bid to get away from him, Linda says she is going to break the news about Keanu’s funeral to best friend Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean), though Kellie admits that she has no intention of doing so.

‘She just wants to get away from Johnny so she can drink more. Eventually they both find her in the barrel store in a mess.’

Terrified that she is spiralling out of control, Sharon books Linda into an AA meeting, hoping to finally get her some help.

‘I think it’s because Linda has so much guilt around Keanu [that she listens to Sharon]. I think she feels that she owes Sharon, and will always owe Sharon something. She would do things for Sharon that she wouldn’t do for herself, even.’

Is this the start of Linda’s recovery?

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