
BBC EastEnders spoilers: Two explosive exits as The Six’s next victim is confirmed

It’s all unravelling for the killer Six in EastEnders next week, and it takes the return of Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley) to really throw a spanner in the works.

With Keanu (Danny Walters) missing, Karen wants answers – and the women handle the inquisition with varying degrees of difficulty.

And while Denise Fox (Diane Parish) continues to be haunted by Linda Carter’s (Kellie Bright) victim, Karen has another enemy to deal with – Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden).

Phil is after the money and, as Karen stands up to him, a fierce showdown looms but who will come out on top?

Overall, it’s not going that well for Phil, as things remain tense with his ex Kat Slater (Jessie Wallace).

And HER ex Alfie Moon (Alfie Moon) gets closer to Linda.

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Funny how things go round in circles!

Monday February 5

It’s the day of the café re-opening but things get off to a rocky start when Nish and Kat discover there has been a leak and part of the floor is wet. Kathy and Stacey overhear Nish lamenting that the floor needs replacing and gather the women for a crisis meeting at No.31.

Denise reasons that she must confess and seeks solace at the community centre with Pastor Clayton who encourages her to unburden herself with her inner torment.

Karen argues with Bernie in EastEnders

Karen has a lot of explaining to do (Picture: BBC)

Back at home, Denise prepares to write a letter to Jack. Later, Denise hallucinates Keanu as the events of Christmas continue to weigh heavy on her.

Bernie comes up with a plan to win her old job back. Nish is impressed by her initiative and offers her the manager position. Nish berates Bernie when she accidentally plays an old voice note from Keanu before Karen arrives.

Linda wakes at The Vic full of regret and confides to Elaine. Meanwhile, Alfie has he has a heart to heart with Ian who encourages him to take a holiday to celebrate the end of his cancer treatment.

Later, Linda bumps into Alfie on the Square and apologises for avoiding him. After Alfie reveals he’s leaving the Square for a holiday, they head to his flat for a heart to heart and Alfie invites her to go with him.

Elsewhere, Jack wakes up at No.31 having spent the night at Stacey’s, and arrives home to a despondent Denise. Jack lies and claims he slept on the sofa which Denise willingly accepts.

Stacey and Jack hold each other in EastEnders
Seriously zero shame! (Picture: BBC)

Eddie arrives at The Vic with news that he’s won an award for championing diversity in boxing. George is proud, but Gina isn’t convinced by her grandad’s new ‘nice guy’ act.

Tuesday February 6

Karen continues to cause a stir at the café as she clashes with Nish, but things soon go from bad to worse when Phil arrives and demands his £50k. Karen is determined to get some answers about Christmas as Kathy and Stacey team up to convince her of their version of events.

Later, Phil and Karen continue to clash when she refuses to pay up, but she quickly twists the knife about Nish and Kat’s blossoming relationship and reasons that Phil’s Walford empire is slipping away.

Worried that Karen is a threat to their freedom, Kathy decides to call the police to report Karen for Albie’s kidnapping.  Later, Phil seeks advice from Kathy about Karen.

Linda baulks at the sight of Karen and rushes back to The Vic to pack a suitcase and leave. Elaine catches Linda and tries to persuade her otherwise, but Linda is adamant she is leaving with Alfie. Later, Stacey is shocked when Elaine lets slip that Linda is leaving the Square.

Linda breaks down on the sofa of No.32 in EastEnders
Linda can’t cope with being in Walford any longer (Picture: BBC)

Sensing Gina’s irritation, George takes Eddie for a tour of the Square where the pair stumble upon Denzel training at the Boxing Den. Eddie encourages George to get in the ring with Denzel as the pair try to improve his form.

Avani arrives and joins Denzel in the ring, but it’s not long before Eddie’s tough approach has consequences as Denzel insults Avani leading her to flee. George berates Denzel before he heads to McClunky’s to apologise.

Later in The Vic, Yolande is impressed by Denzel’s new focus but she questions his new obsession when he reveals that he wants to train twice a day.

Meanwhile, Eddie receives a call from Gloria, where he tells her everything is going to plan, as it becomes clear Eddie is up to something…

Wednesday February 7

Elaine heads to Flat 5D for a heart-to-heart with Alfie. Meanwhile, Lauren’s suspicions grow as she spots Linda secretly drinking in The Vic before Karen enters and demands an audience with her on the events of Christmas.

Kat wakes at No.41 and reluctantly accepts a gifted coat from Nish that is not to her taste.

Kat is unimpressed when he later chastises her for questioning Priya on her work ethic and purposely leaves without the coat.

Nish hands Kat her coat outside the Minute Mart in EastEnders
Is Kat starting to see the signs? (Picture: BBC)

Nish catches up with Kat and asks her to wear it before Jean stops her to share some home truths about her new relationship with Nish, Kat heads to No.55 to request a meet with Phil.

Gina helps Cindy at Beale’s Eels and shares her concerns about George and Eddie. Cindy challenges George on his new acceptance of Eddie, but it’s not long before things turn sour between the pair and George criticises Cindy for her own parenting skills.

Thursday February 8

Linda reveals to Elaine that she’s giving up the booze, but Lauren later catches her with a bag of hidden wine from the Minute Mart. Lauren offers to look after Annie and whisks her away before Linda has time to agree.

Kathy interrupts and Linda attempts to hide her wine but it’s not long before the pair erupt into an argument. The conversation continues to get more heated in the bar as Ben tries to intervene.

Lauren and Kathy both tell Linda to sober up, but she makes her excuses and heads to The Albert.

Kat and Priya come to blows in the Square before Callum and Ben intervene. Later, Kat is horrified to learn that Tommy has gone to live with Phil, and heads to No.55.

Cindy reels from a second argument with George and after a heart-to-heart with Peter and Ian.

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