
BREAKING: Paul unveils emotional requests for after his death in Coronation Street

Another huge moment

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David arrives at the flat to see Billy, Paul and Kit in Corrie
He’s doing what he can (Picture: ITV)

As Paul Foreman (Peter Ash) reaches the very final stage of his life in Coronation Street, he continues to put things in place for when he isn’t around.

Recently, Kit (Jacob Roberts) paid a visit to Paul in his flat. As Billy (Daniel Brocklebank) left, Paul set about asking his brother why he was still struggling to build a relationship with their mum Bernie (Jane Hazlegrove).

Kit revealed that sometimes, he isn’t a nice person and doesn’t know how to feel something positive towards his mum.

Because he was uncomfortable with how vulnerable he had become, Kit snapped and said Paul’s speech machine was a good use of ’emotional manipulation’.

Suddenly, the situation changed due to Paul struggling to breathe.

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Kit immediately went into a panic and called Bernie and the emergency services.

When Bernie arrived, she was calm and immediately knew what to do. She grabbed the oxygen machine from the cupboard and put it on Paul. Eventually, this was enough to regulate his breathing so the ambulance wasn’t needed.

Stunned at Bernie’s approach and how he fell into a panic, Kit wasn’t sure how to deal with what he was feeling. Later, he found himself at the Winter/Brown household. At first, Bernie – who was in tears and overwhelmed – thought Kit had arrived to speak to Gemma (Dolly-Rose Campbell).

The Winter Brown clan pose for a back to school photo in Corrie
It’s back to school! (Picture: ITV)

To Bernie’s surprise, she worked out that Kit was there to see her. After opening up about Paul dying, she asked why Kit had visited.

Kit told his mum he wasn’t sure. Of course, lack of communication between the two means Kit wasn’t able to tell Bernie he wanted to be there to support her and vice versa – but it was still a huge step.

Next week in the ITV soap, it’s back to school and for Paul, he is delighted when Gemma arrives with Joseph (William Flanagan) and the quads dressed up in their uniform.

To mark the occasion, Billy takes some pictures of them all together.

In the week, Paul is recording a manifesto of all the things he’d like Billy to do after he’s gone. However, when he attempts to play it to Billy and Summer (Harriet Bibby), the synthesiser runs out of power.

Summer takes charge and orders Billy to get some fresh air while Paul rests, but can Summer help Paul?

As the week draws to a close, Kit pops by to see Paul again.

Eventually, there’s a great deal of progress between the two brothers as they agree they should spend as much time together as possible in order to make up for the lost years.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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