
BREAKING NEWS: Will Mellor reveals how family tragedy drove him to accept major Coronation Street role

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Actor and presenter Will Mellor, 47, on the success of Mr Bates Vs The Post Office, why he nearly gave up acting, the fun he has alongside Ralf Little on their Two Pints podcast and why he’s getting through moisturiser so quickly…

You’ve had a busy start to the year with Mr Bates Vs The Post Office…

It’s gone crazy. You just couldn’t predict how big the show was going to be. And it wasn’t just a show because the news and the public all got behind it. I was not only asked to go live chat shows but Sky and ITN news and I never get asked usually. Playing a real person has a big responsibility to it. Through the drama, they had a voice after all these years. And the public was outraged by it like I was when I read the script. I’m really proud of it.

Mr Bates Vs The Post Office
No-one could predict how big the reaction to the series would become (Picture: ITV)

Did you have any idea it would kick off like it did?

I did say to the director, James Strong, who I worked with on Broadchurch and White Van Man, that it could really go big if it lands with the public like I think it could. Reading about what happened to these people is one thing but when you see it dramatised you feel the frustration and anger. And then people were signing petitions – hopefully it will speed up the process because these people need justice. We have to keep going until everybody gets their compensation.

Have lots of offers flooded in since then? You’re back on Corrie as Harvey again…

Coronation Street Will Mellor steps onto the cobbles of Coronation Street
Will Mellor made a happy return to Coronation Street reprising baddie Harvey Gaskell (Credits: Joseph Scanlon)

They asked me to come back to finish off the character, who I really enjoyed playing. I’ve always said if Corrie asked me, I’m going to do it. It’s one of my mum’s favourite shows, as well as Strictly, so there’s another box ticked for Mum!

I don’t get to play many baddies and Harvey is a proper wrong’un. But I wanted to be free for this year – there’s a lot happening. I’m shooting a four-part drama in Dublin, doing a documentary about the Post Office scandal and I’m doing the Two Pints podcast tour with Ralf [Little]. I just want to grab everything I can and do things I’m passionate about.

What can people expect from the tour?

It’s called the April Fool’s tour: the clue’s in the title. We toured two years ago and it sold out. We have a great laugh – we play some games, have audience participation and people send in their funny stories or questions to our podcast – we can be agony aunts if you want advice. It’s a moment to leave your worries at the door, have a beer with us and a bit of fun.

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Why do you and Ralf work so well?

Will Mellor and Ralf Little on the Two Pints Podcast
Will and his two pints co-star Ralf Little are touring are taking their podcast on tour for a second time (Picture:

Because we’re different. He’s very educated and political so anything that needs a bit of intelligence, Ralf deals with. I deal with the s****ing yourself on the motorway stuff. We have a chemistry and it works. I think we might be doing some more TV together at some point.

Can you believe it’s nearly 30 years since you started in Hollyoaks?

It’s incredible. Time flies. Since my dad passed, I thought I’ve got to start saying yes to more things – that’s why did
I Strictly. You realise life’s getting shorter so you’ve just got to grab it.

 Television Programme Hollyoaks Picture Shows (l-r) Yasmin Bannerman Brett O'brien Nick Pickard Shebah Ronay Will Mellor Lisa Williamson And Jeremy Edwards.
It’s been 30 years since Will played Jambo in Hollyoaks (Credits: Mike Floyd/Daily Mail/REX/Shutterstock)

You also present Cops Gone Bad on the Crime + Investigation channel…

I love factual shows and true crime. We did Cops Who Kill last year and it started with Wayne Couzens, who’s been in the press again. His colleagues all knew he was wrong’un but did nothing about it.

The first episode of Cops Gone Bad was David Carrick, one of the UK’s biggest serial rapists, and a police officer in the same Met unit as Wayne Couzens. I ask the questions I shout at the TV when
I watch other shows.

Are you becoming all political?

Will Mellor presenting Cops Gone Bad
Will tries to use his platform for things he’s passionate about (Picture: © A&E Television Networks 1996-2024. All rights reserved.)

Not political, I’m passionate. And if I see wrong, I come from a council estate and
if we saw that happen, we’d come together and help each other out. Nothing changes just because of the job I do. It gives me opportunities to use my platform, if I can.

Are you enjoying the opportunities coming your way as you get older?

I’ve been happy with everything I’ve got. I’m still the kid who grew up on the estate so when somebody has faith in me, you’re really grateful, and that’s never changed. I love acting but also like being myself. I want to write a book about my life story this year, too. I’ve got a lot I want to say and I’ve been through a lot but it’s not until now
I think it’s time.

Will Mellor
Will is saying yes to more opportunities since the passing of his Dad (Picture: Joe Maher/Getty Images)

And you’re still doing a bit of modelling at the age of nearly 48…

I’ve got my Cotton Trader’s deal – I cling on for dear life! I don’t know what I’m talking about modelling wise but I’m enjoying it. Why not? I’m going through moisturiser like you wouldn’t believe, though. I’ve got a black spray for the back of my head as well because I’m getting a penalty spot. Ralf found that in my bag on the podcast once and he absolutely killed me.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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