
ITV Coronation Street spoilers: Steve’s outrageous demand as Roy and Leanne are in danger from sinister villains

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Two of our favourite Coronation Street characters are in mortal peril next week, as cafe king Roy Cropper (David Neilson), who is accused of the murder of Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton), is cornered by violent thugs wanting his blood.

It’s all part of a horrendous week for him as more evidence comes to light that doesn’t look great for him and then a decision to pay tribute to Lauren at a vigil backfires.

Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson) is also dicing with disaster as she finds herself pulled into a potentially sinister situation.

Charmed by an influential man who exploits her feelings, it seems she may fall into the grips of a cult.

In other developments, Tracy Barlow (Kate Ford) gets bad news – and it’s not just the proposition from ex-husband Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson).

And Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) is furious with Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon) once again.

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Monday March 18

In the cafe an internet sleuth listens as Roy tells Nina and Yasmeen he has been asked to go back to the police station to be interviewed.

After hearing David and Shona speculating whether Lauren’s dad’s far right group could be involved Max decides to secretly pay Reece a visit in prison and tells him how Roy is wrongly suspected of Lauren’s murder when all he did was clean the flat for her.

Roy cornered by two heavies in the cafe in Coronation Street
Leave Roy alone! (Picture: ITV)

Later in the café, Roy finds himself alone apart from two dodgy men sitting at a table. When one of them gets up and locks the door, Roy realises he’s in danger.

Amy convinces Steve that it’s best if she tells Tracy about Tommy’s move to Spain. In the Rovers, Steve can’t help himself and breaks the news to Tracy that Tommy has accepted a job as football coach in Spain.

Steve suggests to Tracy that with Tommy out of the way, they could give their marriage another go.

Despite things still being frosty between them and Chesney sleeping on the sofa, Gemma and Chesney put on a brave face and visit Oakhill with Linda and Joseph. But it is clear something is bothering Joseph.

Simon’s pleased to see Nick and Leanne getting on well. When Leanne reveals that Rowan gave her some sound advice, Simon suggests she joins him for the next Institute. Rowan’s delighted to see her again.

Leanne looks at a cult leader in Coronation Street

Don’t be fooled, Leanne! (Picture: ITV)

In the hotel bar, Leanne and Simon compliment Rowan on his seminar. Rowan basks in their flattery and tells them he hopes to see them again. Leanne enthuses to Nick about the seminar and how she found  inspirational.

When Sean admits that he hasn’t told Violet anything about Dylan’s predicament, Eileen’s horrified and points out that she has a right to know.

Eileen puts pressure on Sean to call Violet, but Dylan reveals that he’s already spoken to his Mum and she can’t attend the court hearing as she’s in Ibiza. Is he telling the truth?

Wednesday March 20

Nina’s appalled when she reads about some amateur sleuths who’ve been digging at the bat roost site hoping to find some evidence to put Roy in the frame for Lauren’s murder. 4

Roy loads his car boot with shovels and bin bags and heads for the roost site to ensure all is ok. But as he returns Swain is waiting for him to take him to the station.

Has Roy’s visit to the roost site cause him more problems? Nina, Carla, Bobby, Max, Evelyn, Asha and Roy join together for Lauren’s vigil in the precinct. But when Roy addresses the crowd and speaks fondly of Lauren and how much she meant to him, some lads make nasty comments and film him on their phones.

Evelyn, Carla and Nina urge Roy to keep a low profile until the police find out who really killed Lauren. Roy remains resolute. In the café, Nina confides in Carla how worried she is for Roy.

A vigil is held for Lauren in Coronation Street
The Street gathers to a vigil for Lauren but Roy makes the mistake of turning up to make a speech (Picture: ITV)

In court, Dylan pleads guilty to carrying a knife in a public place. Sean listens, upset. Having been handed a community service order, Dylan thanks Sean for all his support and promises him that he intends to get his life back on track.

Sean and Dylan return home to find Eileen there with Violet who’s clearly fuming. Violet turns on Dylan wondering if there’s something he’d like to tell her.

Eileen reveals she called Violet about not being at the hearing and discovered she had no idea about what had been going on. Violet tears a strip off Sean for his lousy parenting skills and Sean’s stung.

Paul is slurring his words and when his new PA arrives she is out of her depth and struggles to understand him. Billy tried to play it down but Summer tells him they have to face facts, his speech is deteriorating.

Tommy calls at the florist’s and begs Amy to have a word with Tracy for him as he’d like a chance to explain himself before he leaves.

Daniel returns home angry and upset and tells Bethany that he’s been suspended from work whilst he remains under suspicion and he’s a good idea who reported him.

Despite Tim’s reservations, Steve joins a dating site and uploads a profile picture.

Friday March 22

Billy explains to a shocked Summer that he is worried to talk about Paul’s deterioration with him as he plans to take his own life when things get too bad.

When Paul finds out about Summer’s plans to delay her American course he implores her not to give up her dreams because of him.

Billy hugs Paul in Coronation Street
Paul and Billy are facing the reality of a terrible situation (Picture: ITV)

Later at the Rovers karaoke evening Paul reveals to a worried Billy that he has put them down to do Stand By Me. How will it go?

Evelyn’s taken aback when she comes across an article online describing Lauren as a sex worker. Roy’s adamant he doesn’t want to know the details. At No.9, Cassie reads the article about Lauren’s sex work admits to Tyrone it brings back some awful memories for her.

Cassie is angry when she finds Evelyn and Daisy discussing Lauren in the shop. When Tyrone reveals that Cassie once had to resort to sex work, Fiz and Evelyn are stunned.

Bobby calls at the salon clearly upset and shows Max the article about Lauren. The lads set off in search of Sabrina, determined to find out who told the press about Lauren’s sex work.

Sabrina argues with Max as Bobby watches in Coronation Street

Sabrina is not impressed by Max’s suspicions (Picture: ITV)

Sabrina assures Max and Bobby that it wasn’t her who blabbed to the press and she’s offended that they would even think that. As Sabrina storms off, Max feels terrible.

Sarah returns from viewing a house and admits it was the stuff of dreams.  Damon promises that he’ll do what he can to raise the money. Harvey calls Damon from prison and gives him his instructions for his part in the robbery.

Damon lies to Sarah and tells her he won’t be able to make Harry’s party tomorrow as he’s seeing a new client who could prove very lucrative.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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