
Nina Comes Clean to Sonny

Which transgression is Nina Reeves Corinthos copping to this time?

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General Hospital spoilers for December 11, 2023, teases a potentially rough road ahead for Nina and Sonny. What’s she about to admit and how will Sonny react?

General Hospital Spoilers Highlights

Remember Nina (Cynthia Watros) and Sonny’s (Maurice Benard) recent bump in the road? If you recall, their disagreement involved the fact Sonny never told his wife about Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) being the one to get him in trouble with the Feds — (relive the argument here). From Nina’s perspective, Cyrus is a free man — making him a constant threat and so she needed to know about this. Conversely, Sonny felt he didn’t want to burden her with this news; he didn’t want her to have to carry the strain or worry.

Hit fast forward and Nina’s on the verge of making an admission to her mobster husband. Is she simply taking a page out of Sonny’s book and deciding to trust him with a secret of hers? More importantly, what’s she going to fess up to? That she’s the SEC whistleblower? Or is it one of her other less potent secrets?

Origin Stories

There’s been a lot of reflecting, remembering, and reminiscing going on in Port Charles as of late. Is there something in the water? Expect to learn more about Dex (Evan Hofer) when Sonny’s henchman ends up revealing some of his much-needed backstory to Joss (Eden McCoy). Well, he’s already admitted to the altercation from his stint in the Army. What’s Dex about to divulge now?

In other news, Portia’s (Brook Kerr) came through for her husband big time. Astonishingly, she researched and found an experimental procedure that could have Curtis (Donnell Turner) walking again in no time. There are no guarantees she said, but this could be a life-changing opportunity. Look for the Savoy owner to tell his dad Marshall (Robert Gossett) about this possible treatment.

Questions and Suspicions

Apparently, Finn’s (Michael Easton) daughter Violet (Jophielle Love) has questions for her Uncle Chase (Josh Swickard). The inquisitive girl could ask about a number of subjects. Potential topics: 1) Chase’s engagement to Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton); 2) Dad’s career-threatening malpractice lawsuit; 3) Gregory’s (Gregory Harrison) ALS diagnosis; 4) Dad’s relationship status with Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst); or 5) All of the above.

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Finally, Olivia (Lisa LoCicero) and Lois (Rena Sofer) are suddenly suspicious — does it have to do with Ned (Wally Kurth), Brook Lynn, or a returned Tracy? It won’t matter because whenever they get an idea in their heads, they won’t hesitate to figure it out and course-correct it immediately.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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