
BBC EastEnders spoilers: Secrets exposed, Alfie’s hospital agony and an affair reignited

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The Six are continuing to fall apart as EastEnders continues in dramatic fashion next week.

As Denise Fox (Diane Parish) continues to spiral, fears that she will expose the truth of Keanu’s death mount.

During a psychic night, it all comes to a head, and a broken Denise takes to the stage.

Meanwhile, Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) isn’t faring much better, as she receives a picture of Mick and Janine’s baby, and it’s enough to send her over the edge again.

And Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner) is taking another risk as passion looks set to reignite between her and Jack Branning (Scott Maslen).

Elsewhere in Walford, poor Alfie Moon (Shane Richie) suffers an embarrassing accident, but it prompts him to open up to his supportive friends about his cancer.

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Monday, January 29

It’s Denise’s birthday, but she’s forgotten, so when her family excitedly greet her with birthday celebrations, she’s so overwhelmed that she rushes out.

Jack follows and tries to find out what’s wrong, but Denise knows she can’t open up to him, which drives an even bigger wedge between them.

The family are all upset and confused, and later, after scared Raymond begs her to go back to being his mummy again, Denise decides to tell Jack everything…

Alfie feels lonely at his radiotherapy sessionin EastEnders
Alfie feels lonely at his radiotherapy session (Picture: BBC)

Stacey presses Suki to get the divorce deal with Nish done so the café is safe from him. When Suki goes to see Nish, he needles her about what happened on Christmas night, and Suki tries to twist it all around to put him off the scent.

Later, after Kat makes an intriguing comment about Stacey’s past, Nish breaks into the Slater house to confront Stacey and try to get the truth from her.

She’s terrified, but Jack interrupts them and sends him packing. Thankful that Jack saved her, Stacey kisses him, and he responds before making a swift exit, feeling terrible about betraying Denise again.

Alfie meets a nervous fellow patient called Shahir during one of his last radiotherapy sessions but feels lonely when Shahir’s loved ones show up while he’s alone.

Later, Linda invites him for a drink in The Vic and gets Ian and Billy along. It’s all going well until Alfie can’t get to the toilet in time and has an accident.

Elsewhere, Denzel has an altercation with bully Logan in McKlunky’s and is surrounded by him and his gang outside.

Yolande spots what’s happening, but when she intervenes, she trips up, and the gang films her. Denzel feels horrendous that he couldn’t protect Yolande. Meanwhile, Jean and Jade bond as they spend more time together, which pleases manipulative Dean.

Tuesday, January 30

It’s the day of baby Charli’s guardianship hearing, and Lily and Ricky are nervous. Denise is surprised to hear from Nish that he had an altercation with Jack and Stacey and collars her to find out what happened.

Stacey convinces her it was over Suki, but Denise is so rattled that she rushes off as both families walk into the courtroom.

Later, at No.27, worried Chelsea finds Denise and begs her to seek help from medical professionals. Meanwhile, Jack joins a party at the Slaters, and Stacey takes him aside to ask about Denise.

Stacey and Jack talking outside the community centre in EastEnders
Stacey takes Jack aside to ask about Denise (Picture: BBC)

At the Branning house, Amy soothes Denise as she cries out in her sleep. Jack isn’t there.

Alfie is mortified about wetting himself in The Vic, and Linda begs him to open up to Ian and Billy about his cancer diagnosis.

She reasons that he must let the people who love him support him.

After a false start, Alfie finally tells his shocked pals everything, and they vow to be there for him.

Denzel is humiliated by the video showing him failing to protect Yolande. When Nugget teases him, Denzel lashes out, forcing Priya to break them up.

Later, Ravi and Priya bring Nugget and Avani over to apologise, and Ravi invites the boys to The Boxing Den to learn a different way to channel their emotions. Meanwhile, Jean takes some cake over to Jade but makes it clear to Dean that she’s doing this for Shabnam and Shirley, not him.

Wednesday, January 31

Denise wakes up screaming, but Jack’s not there.

When he gets home, Jack is short with Denise over missing the court hearing. She asks where he’s been all night, and he makes an excuse about work.

Paranoid Denise fears that the case might be connected to the Christmas Day death, so she steals his phone to find out.

At Fox and Hair, Denise overreacts when Penny says she’s ringing Jack and the mobile rings on her desk. Jack arrives, and a row breaks out, where she reveals he slept with someone else to disgusted Penny. Following this Denise seeks out an unlikely confidante.

Linda is shaken when Ricky sends a photograph of Mick and Janine’s baby in EastEnders
Linda is shaken when Ricky sends a photograph of Mick and Janine’s baby (Picture: BBC)

Linda is shaken when Ricky sends a photograph of Mick and Janine’s baby.

Alfie later finds her drunk and inconsolable in The Albert and takes her home. During a heart-to-heart, drunken Linda says more than she should…

Suki goes to see Nish, who tells her he’s reneging on their deal and will keep all the businesses. If she doesn’t like it, he’ll never divorce her, so she’s trapped in their marriage.

Suki must decide whether to take him to court and risk him going to the police or agree to Nish’s deal and be free of him.

Meanwhile, Elaine is excitedly preparing for psychic Madame Tellerina’s night at The Vic, while George is sceptical. Elsewhere, Amy tries to reassure Denzel about his standoff with Logan, but he’s paranoid about not being buff enough.

At the Boxing Den, Denzel spars with Nugget but asks George if he can get in the ring with fighter Rufus. After Denzel tries to take things too far, George gives him a pep talk about managing his emotions and building his strength.

Thursday, February 1

At The Vic, Madame Tellerina takes the stage as the punters – including Kathy, Stacey, and Suki look on.

Denise wanders in and immediately sparks concern from the others as she looks terrible. They are shocked when she volunteers to go on stage, hoping to get some answers to her despair.

Later, at home, Denise’s grip on reality slips even further.

Reiss talking to a dishevelled looking Denise in the Queen Vic in EastEnders
Denise wanders in the Vic and immediately sparks concern (picture: BBC)

Linda is shaken to receive a text from Alfie asking to talk about what she said.

Fearing she confessed, Linda heads to meet Alfie and drinks as she’s so rattled. Linda twists the truth to put Alfie off the scent.

Kat receives a surprise gift from Phil, but isn’t happy with the contents.

Later, Kat goes to hand back the money Phil gave her, and he asks her to come home.

However, Kat can’t forgive him. but as she and equally lonely Nish toast their freedom.

At McKlunky’s, Amy is annoyed when Denzel is so engrossed by a fitness influencer’s videos that he neglects her.

She’s further hurt when he chooses to go to the gym instead of having dinner at her place.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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